red flag

If you have to stop talking about it when I walk by, you a) shouldn’t be talking about it in public, or it shouldn’t be considered in the first place. And I can handle a lot.


As long as I keep dreaming I am succeeding. I can't achieve everything, I can't control what the world gives me vs what I see in my heart and mind, but I keep dreaming and that is a success.

morality play

If I have to make a decision without being able to identify the lesson or moral in the choices, I still have to make a decision knowing it could be just a decision I have to make and that's all 

I'm right though

Little harder than I thought, but it's working, because it's the right decision.

Already Magic

Perhaps the magic is being able to articulate my decision, that it was the right one, how I got there and laugh off another's ignorance, rather than just saying fuck off already.

Nope, Didn't Ask and Don't Care

 I didn’t ask your opinion, but if instead, you want to ask about my decision and how and why I got to this place, I can explain…

Broken can lead to Succession

 Just because the goal and how I get there is more difficult than expected, hurts more than is wanted, takes longer than overnight, or completely changes into something else, it is not wrong and I am not a failure.